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Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Wisdom teeth are actually third molars which begin to emerge around age 16 to 25 years old. They are often prevented from erupting all the way into the mouth for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons is because there may be too much tooth material and not enough length of the jaw to accommodate them. At this point, wisdom teeth can get “stuck” under another tooth or impact against it. In order to prevent the wisdom tooth from pushing against the roots of the adjacent teeth and possibly resorbing its roots, or to prevent the pain and discomfort caused by the wisdom teeth pushing from underneath while the roots continue to grow and become embedded in the jaw, they are often preventively removed early in their development. Possible complications could be decay, root resorption, or infection of the gum tissue around the wisdom teeth known as peritonitis.
Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure
More often, wisdom teeth are removed because partially erupted or non-erupted teeth can be decayed or infected due to bacterial contamination from the partial contact with the oral environment. In order to remove these teeth, it is often necessary to lift away the overlying gum tissue and relieve the bone that is holding the tooth in the jaw. We may have to split the teeth into smaller more manageable “sections” to remove them from their impacted position. Surgical sutures will then close the site while healing progresses.
During the procedure for the lower wisdom teeth, there is a risk of damage to the lingual or inferior alveolar nerves. This could cause temporary or permanent anaesthesia (or numbness) of the lower lip, chin or tongue. Great care is taken to avoid this, however, depending on the proximity of the roots of the tooth to the nerve, there may be increased or decreased chances of damage.
Other risks associated with extraction of wisdom teeth are infection, swelling, possible opening of sinus communication (in the upper teeth), as well as pain and discomfort. There is a chance that if left untreated, wisdom teeth may not cause any harm.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Wisdom Tooth Extraction, feel free to contact us and set up a consultation appointment.