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Painless Biological Dentistry*
Heat, vibration and pressure are the primary causes of pain associated with the use of the traditional dental drill. Since cutting both hard and soft tissues (teeth and gums) with the WaterLase® does not generate heat, vibration or pressure, many dental procedures can be performed pain-free with fewer shots, less need for anesthesia, less use of the drill and fewer numb lips! Additionally, using the WaterLase® for gum procedures reduces bleeding, post-operative pain, swelling and the need for pain medication in many cases.
Accuracy & Precision
WaterLase® dentists are able to remove tooth enamel decay (the hardest substance in the body), bone and gum tissue precisely while leaving surrounding areas unaffected. This conserves and allows you to keep more of the healthy tooth structure.
Reduced Trauma
High-speed drills can cause hairline cracks and fractures in the teeth that eventually lead to future dental problems. WaterLase® reduces damage to healthy portions of the tooth and minimises trauma.
Improved Cavity Fillings
WaterLase® cavity preparations can increase the bond strength of tooth-colored restoration resulting in longer lasting fillings.
Less Bleeding & Swelling
Due to its conservative, gentle cutting action and coagulating capabilities, the WaterLase® performs many soft tissue (gum) procedures with little or no bleeding and less post-op swelling.
Fewer Dental Visits
Since you often do not need shots or anesthesia, a WaterLase® dentist can perform cavity preps in all areas of the mouth in just one visit. This technology also gives trained WaterLase® dentists the ability to painlessly perform many procedures that were previously referred to specialists.
The WaterLase® is extremely versatile. It can be used for a wide range of hard and soft tissue procedures. From decay removal, cavity preparation, root canals, smile design, gum, and bone surgical procedures and many others.
*Discomfort is based on individual sensitivity to pain, and other factors, so not all patients can be treated painlessly without anesthetic. However, dentists using WaterLase to perform typical cavity preparations report not using anesthetic in the majority of cases.