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Implicit Dental now offering the new, non-surgical face lift for denture wearers denture fountain of youth® and foy® dentures in Sydney
Your smile speaks volumes about who you are, so why not put your best face forward at all times? at Implicit Dental we understand how devastating it can be to have a smile that is unattractive and unhealthy, so if the condition of your teeth and gums are making you feel self conscious, causing you to appear older than you really are, or keeping you from feeling truly beautiful, we have the perfect solution for you and your smile. An amazing breakthrough in dental technology now allows Implicit Dental not only to improve the appearance and function of your mouth, but shed years off of your entire face by restoring youthfulness to your smile.
Now available a new, non-surgical alternative to face lift surgery for denture wearers. These innovative dentures are a remarkable way to provide structural support to your facial features, restore full function to your mouth, rejuvenate your smile, and highlight the natural beauty of your face.
What are the denture fountain of youth® and foy® dentures?
Denture Fountain of Youth® and FOY® Dentures are a new, potentially life-changing development in dentures. Recently a restorative dentist available on site a state-of-the-art dental laboratory to target the critical issues that standard dentures present and create a design that would enhance a patient’s neuro muscular health as well as the function and aesthetic of his or her smile. As a certified provider of Denture Fountain of Youth® and FOY® Implicit Dental takes into account the relationships between a patient’s hard and soft tissues, nerves, and muscles when crafting his or her reconstructive treatment plan. Denture Fountain of Youth® and FOY® Dentures won’t simply enhance the splendor of your smile; they will completely rejuvenate your face, alter the way others perceive you, and dramatically improve your self-image. Imagine looking in the mirror and genuinely liking what you see!
The difference between traditional dentures and denture fountain of youth® and foy® dentures
Denture Fountain of Youth® and FOY® Dentures don’t just alter the appearance of your smile and improve your mouth’s natural function; they amplify the beauty of your facial features. In fact, Denture Fountain of Youth® and FOY® Dentures are designed to restore volume to your cheeks, add definition to your jawbone and neck muscles, and fill out your lips. Overall, you will appear healthier, younger, and more rested. Perhaps even more importantly, you will feel secure in the way you look and portray yourself to others.
Unlike dentures that are tailored only to fit well in the mouth, Denture Fountain of Youth® and FOY® Dentures use key values of neuromuscular dentistry to provide optimal function and muscle relaxation. Denture Fountain of Youth® and FOY® Dentures are also the only type of denture that successfully combats the bone deterioration that results from tooth loss, thereby allowing patients to avoid the hollow-cheeked appearance often associated with dentures. Rather than just resting on the gums as traditional dentures do, the Denture Fountain of Youth® and FOY® Dentures stimulate the muscles of your lower face by securely adhering to the gums and relying partially on the muscles within your mouth.
Benefits of denture fountain of youth® and foy® dentures
The benefits of Denture Fountain of Youth® and FOY® Dentures are truly life changing, age defying, and confidence boosting. At Implicit Dental, Fountain of Youth® and FOY® Dentures provide patients with:
- Improved confidence
- Improved facial aesthetics
- A more youthful appearance
- Improved function
- Enhanced neuromuscular function and support
- More voluptuous lips
- Fewer wrinkles
- Firmer skin of the neck and jaw
- Stronger chin
- Better defined cheeks and jaw
- Underlying facial support (for your lips, cheeks, and entire face)
- Improved comfort versus traditional dentures
- A more natural appearance than traditional dentures