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Now you can design your complete denture smile right here at Implicit Dental Sydney!
Many people think that dentures have been left behind in the cosmetic dental revolution. Not just denture wearers but, unfortunately, a lot of dentists feel this way too.
This simply is not true!
You and many others may think that because you wear dentures, you must sacrifice the look of your denture for the feel of your denture. Or more simply, because you wear dentures, you are destined to a life of dentures that present artificial and unattractive looking smiles
At Implicit Dental we offer exceptionally natural, aesthetic and individualized teeth for the best in cosmetics and function. Using a smile style guide, we work with you to design custom dentures that can help restore your natural, beautiful smile. for example (fountain of youth Denture) or Swiss Denture Concept.
- A Swiss Denture Concept denture involves additional effort. Your practitioner takes a great deal of time to advise you, to understand your situation and to accommodate your wishes. This means that you have one or two extra treatment sessions.
One of the most common complaints we hear from denture wearers is about the "false teeth" look, causing them to be self-conscious about their dentures and consequently, smile less. This complaint is usually accompanied by shortcomings in the ability to chew and the overall discomfort they experience.
At Implicit Dental we strive to make your dentures appear more natural because they are designed and handcrafted in-house especially to complement your personality, gender, ethnicity and physical appearance. When you elect to have Implicit Dental design and create your dentures, We will take special measures to make sure that your smile is absolutely incredible.
The end result is that natural look that will make you smile!
Each set of our dentures is custom made just for you. The process begins with a series of detailed measurements taking into account crucial aspects of facial size and specifics of your individual mouth.
We use state-of-the-art design, equipment, and materials that make our dentures fit as secure and comfortable for you as possible.
Implicit Dental is offering bre-crystal the latest denture material for your complete dentures
Molecular surface engineering for your denture
At Implicit Dental we are trained by bredent Germany to offer bre-crystal, it is the revolutionary new material which was specially designed for people with allergies. (These people are highly Sensitive and tend to react to conditions or changes to their environment, especially when foreign materials containing chemicals are placed in their bodies.) PDF INFORMATION
Existing acrylic(monomer/polymer based) dentures contain many potentially toxic chemicals. These chemicals are not found in bre-crystal
- No residual monomer
- Lasting precision of fit
- Reduced water absorption
- Constant suction effect
Due to the fact that bre-crystal is a thermoplastic material, it gives optimal tissue compatibility and high precision of fit for your dentures.
It does not shrink during processing, making it a very stable material. The increased retention force of the denture results in safe and reliable suction.
- Reduced proneness to plaque is ensured by the high homogeneity of the material
- Extensive testing has proven that bre-crystal is twice as strong as other denture base material.